When Bob returned the following session the image that we targeted was still clear. He had been sleeping much but continued with some symptoms of PTSD. So we began working on another disturbing memory. As far as planning treatment, it was fairly easy at this point because Bob would come in with what was disturbing him the most and we would work on that so that each step made Bob’s burden a little lighter.
The next target was the MAMs (Military Age Men with dark skin as Bob explained). It was particularly disturbing if they were in as Bob described a man dress. Bob does not hold any bigotry but in Iraq he did not know who to trust or who would be the next person that could cause harm. Remember Iraq’s are fighting Iraq’s. So Bob want to be more comfortable with the MAMs.
After talking for awhile, and defining what we needed to work on we began using TAT again. Bob had encountered a MAM in a man dress recently in a convienence store and that became our starting off point for his distress. We used approximately 4 steps of TAT and Bob was relaxed and feeling more centered. Again Bob got that look on his face (look of focus and calm) and he said good much better. Each session with Bob last 60 minutes and in future sessions we include other therapies beside talking and TAT.
Be well until next week,